Operations on Stack

Key operations performed on a stack data structure



Add an element to the top of the stack.

  • Before adding an element to the stack, we check if the stack is full.

  • If the stack is full (top==capacity-1), we get a Stack Overflow and cannot add any more elements.

  • If the stack isn't full, we increase the top by 1 (top = top + 1) and insert the new element at that position.

  • We can keep adding elements until the stack reaches its capacity.


Remove the top element from the stack.

  • Before removing an element from the stack, we check if it’s empty.

  • If the stack is empty (top==-1), we can't remove anything, which is called Stack Underflow.

  • If the stack has elements, we get the value at the top, move the top down by 1, and return the value we retrieved.


View the top element without removing it.

  • Return the top element of the Stack.


Check if the stack is empty.

  • Check for the value of top in stack.

  • If (top == -1), then the stack is empty so return true .

  • Else, the stack is not empty so return false .


Check if the stack has reached its maximum capacity (in fixed-size stacks).

  • Check the value of top in the stack.

  • If (top == capacity - 1), the stack is full, so return true.

  • Else, the stack isn't full, so return false.