Types of Binary Trees
Overview of various types of binary trees
Types of Binary Trees
Full Binary Tree
- Each node has either 0 or 2 children.
- No node has just 1 child.
Complete Binary Tree
All levels are completely filled except possibly the last.
Fill levels from left to right.
Perfect Binary Tree
All levels are full.
Every parent has 2 children.
All leaves at same level.
Balanced Binary Tree
Height difference between left and right subtrees is at most 1.
Balance applies at every node in the tree.
Does not require all levels to be full.
Skewed Binary Tree
All nodes form a straight line, resembling a linked list.
Can be left-skewed (all children are on the left) or right-skewed (all children are on the right).
Height of the tree is equal to the number of nodes, making it inefficient for operations like searching or insertion.
Binary Search Tree (BST)
Left child contains values smaller than the parent.
Right child contains values greater than the parent.